Dear colleagues,
the muon meeting in the LHCb week will be on
Wednesday, February 23 at 9:00 in building 4-3-006.
As we had three muon workshops in the last two month, I do not expect many
new results to be presented. Therefore I suggest that we focus in this
meeting on the preparation of the activities of the group this year:
- Discussion of task list/project plan for the coming month
(to be prepared/finalized in the panel meeting on Tuesday at 16:00)
- Chamber prototypes for MGC, RPC and WPC/CPC
- FE-chip studies
- Testbeam planning
- FE-architecture work
- Software tasks in SICB and GAUDI
(Detector Geometry, Background etc.)
Concerning the ongoing studies I am only aware of additional results on
- logical layout from Paul, maybe also from Marseille (tbc)
- offline muon identification and size of T11 by Alison
Please let me know by Friday 18 about additional contributions.
Kind regards,