Thursday morning, start 9:00: FE-electronics issuses
Introduction | Adriano |
1. Architecture issues | |
- OR on chambers ? | Adriano |
- Logical channel formation and cost reduction | Burkhard |
- Discussion | |
- A first scheme of ODE mapping in the "fully pipelined" trigger architecture | Renaud |
2. Ongoing activities | |
- Fiber optical links developments in Marseille | Mohsine |
- The IB prototype | Adalberto |
- The ODE prototype | Adriano |
- Recent progress with CARIOCA (B) | Filipe (t.b.c.) |
3. Microelectronics: | |
- Reliability, integration and CARIOCA | Pierre |
Conclusions | Adriano |
Thursday afternoon, 14:00: Software issues
1. Studies with present version of SICB | |
- Trigger efficiencies with 4 cm layer distance | Olivier |
- Effect of crosstalk on trigger efficiency | Giovanni P |
- Time-gate optimization in SICBDST | Sergio |
2. New muon software and detector layout issues | |
- Status of simulation upgrade, Introduction to presentations on chamber layout | Karl |
- Trigger performance with split detector | Sergio |
- Projectivity in x and other considerations on layout (3.8 MB file) | Giuseppe |
- Considerations about the chamber arrangement | Burkhard |
- Discussion | |
- How could we study the trigger performance with the coming simulation | Renaud |
3. Next steps | |
- Organization of production |
Friday morning: Chamber prototype studies and design issues
- Introduction | |
- Results on pre-production for panels | Celeste |
- Short Status of INFN prototype | Mauro |
- Construction of the CERN/Rio prototype and next plans | Thomas |
- First tests with the CERN/Rio prototype | Anatoli |
- Summary of recent MWPC tests of the PNPI group | Werner |
- Preliminary results from RPC tests | Gerardo |
- RPC crosstalk studies | Werner |
- A.O.B. |
Friday afternoon: Panel Meeting (restricted attendance)
- Discussion about cost estimate and responsability sharing