Summary of the Detector Technology Panel Session on 19+20/01/2000
(compiled by Burkhard)

A detailed discussion of the three proposals took place. A number of
questions for each technology came up, which are summarizes in the
following. As the proposals have been presented in the general muon
meeting as well, no summary is given here.

I. RPC proposal, presented by Giovanni
1) Effect of cluster size on system performance.
A histogram with the cluster distribution for a double gap chamber
at ~9.5kV HV as measured in the testbeam should be given to the
Rio group (via Erica) to study the performance deterioration per
2) Effect of signal propagation on timing performance.
Although the intrinsic resolution of RPC is very good, the overall
timing performance with RPC should be looked at. A histogram
with the time distribution measured should be given to the RomeI
group together with an indication about the measured time walk, so
that Sergio can simulate the total timing, assuming signal
propagation of 15-18ns/cm.
3) Information about the dark count rate per strip.
4) Channel occupancy and deadtime: Information about pulsewidth
and expected inefficiency for a given rate on a strip.
5) Information about ageing tests done by the ATLAS/CMS RPC-groups
should be supplied.
6) The proposed stripsize should be specified for each region and
station. This is important for 1) and the estimation of
FE-channels required.
7) Basic information on HV- and Gas Systems. For the later Rolf
(who is injured just now) could give a hand.
8) Preliminar cost estimate should be provided (together with

II. TGC proposal, presented by Giuseppe
1) Effect of cluster size on system performance.
A histogram with the cluster distribution for a double gap chamber
at an HV ~100V above the knee as measured in the testbeam should
be given to the Rio group (via Erica) to study the performance
deterioration per region.
2) Add table/plots with efficiencies as function of time window.
3) Finalize timing studies including all effects (intrinsic chamber
resolution, time walk, signal propagation).
4) Provide ADC distributions for strips and pads, if possible.
5) More information about ageing studies, if foreseen.
6) Explanations about station layout. (Some figures prepared by
Thomas are available.)
7) The proposed stripsize should be specified for each region and
station. This is important for the estimation of FE-channels
8) Channel occupancy and deadtime: Information about pulsewidth
and expected inefficiency for a given rate on a strip.
9) Basic information on HV- and Gas Systems. For the later Rolf
(who is injured just now) could give a hand.
10) Preliminar cost estimate should be provided (together with
11) More information on construction plans.

III. WPC/CPC proposal, presented by CERN, PNPI and UFRJ groups
1) Effect of cross talk on system performance.
A histogram with the cluster distribution for a double gap chamber
at an HV ~100V above the knee as measured in the testbeam should
be given to the Rio group (via Erica) to study the performance
deterioration per region.
2) Finalize timing studies including all effects (intrinsic chamber
resolution, time walk). The required distributions should be
given to Sergio.
3) Basic information on HV- and Gas Systems.
4) Table with the estimated number of FE-channels per region
and layer.
5) Channel occupancy and deadtime: Information about pulsewidth
and expected inefficiency for a given rate on a strip.
6) Preliminar cost estimate should be provided (together with
7) More information on construction plans.

Finally we had a long discussion on decision criteria and risks. The
various points are summarized and can be looked at on the web
In case of difficulties, please contact Burkhard.Schmidt@cern.ch)

In the next meeting, schedules for February 10, we intend to discuss the
answers to the questions and subject each technology to the decision
criteria and come up with an evaluation of te proposals.