Monday 24/07 AM (begin around 10:00): Wire Chamber Working group
. Electrical Properties
- Electrical Properties of MWPC                                      Werner
- Update on Cathode layout                                              Pierluigi

. Short status about prototypes and next steps
- CERN/Rio Prototype                                                      Thomas
- INFN Prototype                                                                  ?
- PNPI Prototype                                                              Burkhard

Monday 24/07 PM: FE-chip and Architecture Working Groups
. Status of work on FE-chip                                              Werner
. Discussion about feedback on FE-Architecture note

Coffee ?

Monday 24/07 PM: Software Development (Technical Issues)
. Discussion of working plan of Fortran (SICB) software
- Simulation of physical chambers                                      Karl + contribution from Sandra
- Background evaluation                                                    Burkhard
- Introduction of physical channels                                     Sergio
- Simulation of deadtime                                                    Karl

. Discussion about task sharing of C++ sotware (Gaudi)     Karl

Tuesday 25/07 AM: General Muon Meeting
. Testbeam Results
- Results form MWPC tests with the ASDQ++ chip          Anatoli
- Results of the last RPC testbeam                                     Emmanuele

. Muon System Layout
- Muon system by Numbers                                              Burkhard
- Analysis of single- and double-hit tracks                          Burkhard
in the background simulation

. Infrastructure
- Status of design of support structures                              Alberto
- Electronic huts and DELPHI Barrel                                Burkhard

If necessary we might have a short panel meeting in the afternoon.
For Wednesday morning a visit of the Frascati Lab is scheduled.