Schedule for Muon Group meetings, 11-12 May 2000:

Thursday 11/05


Wire chamber working group

- Introduction
- Report about the visit to Fermilab - considerations about chamber design and tools (Burkhard)
- Garfield simulations for WPC/CPC (Celeste)
- Considerations about choice of wire diameter and
chamber specifications (Werner)
- Gas gain determination and uniformity of large WPC prototype (Anatoli)
- Measuremetn of parameters of large WPC prototype (Thomas)
- Update on panel-prototypes for wire chambers from DITRON (Giulio)
- Considerations about the chamber layout for the inner part (Burkhard)

Thursday 11/05


FE-chip working group

* Evaluation of CMS CMP16 chip for LHCb wire chambers (werner)

* Chip test program for near future (werner)

* Status of carioca chip and plans (danielle)

* a.o.b

Thursday 11/05


FE-architecture working group

- Cost estimates for IB and ODB (Adriano)

- Comments about the "Data Driven" scheme (Adriano)

- Update on a possible Map of the IB and ODB (Renaud)

Friday 12/05

104-R-B09, 9:00

General muon meeting

- Introduction
- Software status and tasks (SICB and GAUDI) (Gloria)
- Status of the L0(mu) performances (Olivier)
- Effects of digitization on L0(mu) performances (Tatiana)
- New muon chamber simulation (Sandra/Burkhard)
- Update on muon matching studies (Alison)

- Update of CMS and LHCb ageing studies in GIF (Vsevolod)
- Analysis of wire deposits at CERN (Vsevolod/Thomas)
- Analysis of wire deposits in Potenza (Celeste)
- Report on local ageing studies in PNPI (Genady)
- WPC/CPC testbeam results (Alexei)

- Results of the RPC test beam (Gerardo)
- RPC Clusters size studies (Giovanni P.)
- Update of the RPC proposal for the muon detector (Giovanni C.)

- Testbeam Planning 2000 and 2001-2005 (Werner)
- Conclusion

Friday 12/05


Muon system panel

- Discussion about manpower and activities in the various institutes
- Concluding discussion about technology choice